Professional dog walker and pet sitter, Insured, Licensed & Certified in Pet First Aid.

We are professionals who love pets! We know how precious your pets are and we strive to treat them as our own, providing care and TLC when you can’t due to other obligations.

A dog sitting on the ground with its head down.
A dog walking academy certified logo.

She Loves My Dog uses Time To Pet (TTP) App

Available to clients.

Dog walks come with GPS mapping, potty updates & photos! We make booking and keeping up with your pets’ adventures a breeze.

A phone with the settings menu open.
A phone with an email message and a picture of a dog.
A phone screen with the address and zip code of an individual.
A phone with an image of two dogs on it.

How to Get Started

  1. Contact She Loves My Dog via phone or email
  2. Activate your Time To Pet Account
  3. Download the Time To Pet App
  4. Request a Meet & Greet Service through the Time To Pet App
  5. Have two copies of your home key and any key fobs ready for your meet & greet.
  6. During the meet & greet, we will get to know your pet(s) and collect 2 copies of your home keys.
  7. Request Services through the Time To Pet App
  8. An invoice/confirmation will be sent to the client via email once services have been approved.
  9. We will notify you via the app when we have arrived and started your visit.
  10. Visit report will be provide once your service has been completed.